The Portland Linux/Unix Group (PLUG) is a group of enthusiasts dedicated to teaching and learning about Linux, Unix and related freedom-producing technologies. There is no membership fee to join and we welcome people of all levels of experience. PLUG has met since 1994 and hosts several mailing lists, a monthly General meeting, periodic Advanced Topics meetings, and a hands-on support Clinic. Other Portland-area tech community events can be found at
PLUG is open to everyone but does not tolerate abusive behavior on its mailing lists or at its meetings.
Between meetings, we converse on a number of mailing lists and IRC:
ALERT: The PLUG mailing list archives cannot be redacted. If you are unsure about what you are posting, do not post it. #pdxlinux
Who: Andrew Greenberg and Theo Hill What: Basing an entire space program on Linux: OreSat + UniCloGS Where: 1930 SW 4th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201-5304, Room 86-01 When: Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 7 PM Why: The pursuit of technology freedom
Andrew is a senior instructor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Portland State University and is the faculty advisor for the Portland State Aerospace Society, an interdisciplinary open source aerospace student project. Andrew has a background in embedded systems and medical devices.
Theo Hill is a senior software engineer at The TOVA Company, a medical device manufacturer that extensively uses Linux in its devices. Theo is also an industry advisor to the Portland State Aerospace Society, where he helps engineering students with writing software for CubeSats and ground stations, and everything in between.
PLUG is back at Portland State University. Thanks to the Computer Science Department and to Andrew Greenberg for hosting us! The room is in the basement of the PSU Engineering Building (also connected underground to the Fourth Avenue Building, or FAB). Enter through the Engineering Building. The outside door will be locked, but there should be someone present at the entrance to let you in starting at 6:40pm until 7pm. There will be a sign on the door with a phone number you can SMS if there isn't someone there to let you in immediately.
Rules and Requests: Masks are encouraged but not required. PLUG is open to everyone and does not tolerate abusive behavior on its mailing lists or at its meetings Do not leave valuables in your car
PLUG welcomes first-time presenters and experienced orators alike. Please mail Russell Senior at 'russell at this domain name':
A 50 to 300 word description/abstract of the talk
Optional speaker(s) bio(s)
Optional slides to be posted at
Optional handouts
Optional extended abstract and full academic paper
While the majority of PLUG talks are about open source technologies, we welcome policy-related talks and stories about your unique experiences in the technology field. Do not hesitate to ask if a topic is appropriate or for help developing a talk.
2025-02-06 Immutable Atomic Desktop Linux, Robert Detjens
2025-01-02 OpenWrt Clinic, Part 2, Russell senior
2024-12-05 Linux Changelogs, the Sequel, Ben Koenig
2024-11-07 OpenWrt Clinic, Russell Senior
2024-10-03 OpenWISP, Eldo Varghese
2024-09-05 Linux Changelogs, Ben Koenig
2024-08-01 Worlds Thinnest Boombox, with Joe Grand
2024-05-02 Adrian Black from Adrian's Digital Basement YouTube channel
2024-04-04 30th Anniversary Special with Linus Torvalds
2024-03-07 A Network Relay via Cloud Instance && Retro Linux Tape Recovery Show and Telli
2024-02-01 New Year Show and Tell (Bandwidth monitoring OpenWRT and DD-WRT routers, Managing Windows from FreeBSD Environments, et al)
2023-11-02 UnPLUG at the Lucky Lab Brew Pub
2023-10-05 Secure Linux VPN Use - PDF
2023-09-07 UnPLUG at Rose City Book Pub
2023-08-03 Using DRBD and LINSTOR to Facilitate Cloud Migration and Mobility
2023-07-06 UnPLUG at Rose City Book Pub
2023-06-01 UnPLUG at Rose City Book Pub
2023-05-04 Inexpensive security cameras with ZoneMinder Part II
2023-04-06 Proxy Execution in the Linux Scheduler
2023-03-02 Anatomy of a mailing list meltdown
2023-02-02 Inexpensive security cameras with ZoneMinder
2023-01-05 softPLUG online meeting
2022-12-01 softPLUG online meeting
2022-08-04 softPLUG online meeting
2022-07-07 softPLUG online meeting
2022-03-03 UnPLUG: Metrics of Freedom
2022-02-03 This is a test(1): A shell scripter's guide to ubiquitous assumption testing - PDF
2022-01-06 The Transit Appliance Project
2021-12-02 Pipewire Audio Server
2021-11-04 Linux on RISC-V
2021-10-07 Russell's Excellent High Altitude Balloon Adventure
2021-09-02 Hardware-Assisted Fine-Grained Control-Flow Integrity: Adding Lasers to Intel's CET/IBT
2021-08-05 Userspace live patching with Libpulp - PDF
2021-07-01 How Free Software Continues the Legacy of Open Communication - PDF
2020-06-03 Lessons Learned from Four Years as a County Party Officer
2021-05-03 Object Pascal Development with Lazarus and Free Pascal
2021-04-01 360Cloud based on FreeBSD
2021-03-04 My COVID Art Project with Perl and Image::Magick
2021-02-04 UnPLUG February 2021, You Survived January!
2021-01-07 UnPLUG 2021, The Year That Will Be!
2020-12-03 UnPLUG: 2020, the Year That Was!
2020-03-05 UnPLUG: Home Lab Show and Tell!
2020-02-06 Linux, Open Source Silicon, and Crowdfunding
2020-01-02 Reading wireless temperature sensors with RTL-SDR and rtl_433
2019-12-05 Do you still us ASCII?
2019-11-19 System Stacks Usecases and ClearOS Swupd Client
2019-11-07 Glass Beatstation
2019-10-15 Clear Linux OS
2019-10-03 Contending With Our Culture of Discouragement
2019-09-05 Open Sourcing a Perl Module
2019-08-01 Introduction to Ansible
2019-06-06 Why Packets Die
2019-05-02 UnPLUG!
2019-04-04 Software Quality Engineering
2019-03-07 Coreboot!
2019-02-07 PGP Key Storage with a Yubikey 4
2018-12-06 Rapid web application development with Angular
2018-11-01 Carnivorous plants and other technologies
2018-10-04 Open Source and POSIX Environments for Windows
2018-09-06 Building Mobile Apps with Flutter
2018-08-02 Combating global warming with open source and IoT
2018-07-05 OpenStreetMap
2018-06-07 YaCy Distributed/P2P Search Engine
2018-05-03 UnPLUG and more!
2018-04-05 Upgrading your business phone system with Asterisk
2018-03-01 Meltdown and Spectre Vulnerabilities
2018-02-01 How to get a Municipal Broadband network in the City of Portland
2018-01-04 Fedora Atomic Host: Your Next Linux
2017-12-07 OAuth 2.0 Simplified
2017-11-02 Great Developer Experiences (DX) Through Great API Documentation
2017-10-05 Network Privacy Options
2017-09-07 A Philosophy for Reliability: Lessons learned from 40 years of System Administration
2017-08-03 An Introduction to Data Protection - Michael Dexter - PDF
2017-06-01 Open Source Desktop Publishing with Laidout
2017-05-04 Going Coastal, Russell's Excellent Adventure at the Center for Coastal Margin Observation and Prediction
2017-04-06 Microcopy: The Art of User Interface Text
2017-03-02 UnPLUG!
2017-02-21 Informal Advanced Topics meeting at the Lucky Lab
2017-02-02 StackStorm
2017-01-05 The Biz of Community - VM Brasseur
2016-12-01 Configuration Management with Ansible
2016-11-03 Introduction to FreeNAS - Michael Dexter
2016-11-15 Informal Advanced Topics meeting at the Lucky Lab
2016-10-18 Building a Private Cloud with CloudStack - Kimberlee M.
2016-10-06 Ubiquitous Apps with Flatpack - Sriram Ramkrishna
2016-09-01 The State of the IPv6 in Portland - Ted Mittelstaedt
2016-08-23 Informal Advanced Topics meeting at the Lucky Lab
2016-08-04 Designing chips on GNU/Linux
2016-07-19 Internet Mirroring Roundtable
2016-07-05 NFS Ganesha - Frank Filz
2016-06-21 Informal Advanced Topics meeting at the Lucky Lab/Mt. Hood
2016-06-02 HTTP Can do THAT?! - Sumana Harihareswara
2016-05-16 Installerfest! Roundtable about Open Source OS installers
2016-05-05 Switching to BSD Unix from GNU/Linux
2016-04-19 Enduring Communities Roundtable
2016-04-07 What's new in PostgreSQL 9.5 - Josh Berkus
2016-03-15 Informal Advanced Topics meeting at the Lucky Lab
2016-03-03 Networking with Puppet and Cumulus
2016-02-16 Linux as a security camera monitoring platform - PDF
2016-02-03 zsh: What is a shell, why do you want to use one, what's so special about zsh - Steve Dum
2016-01-19 Smarter S.M.A.R.T. and related storage challenges
2016-01-07 Rust - Jim Blandy
2015-12-15 FreeNAS 10 CLI - Michael Dexter
2015-12-03 Git up 'n' go! A Git and GitHub Crash Course - Ali Corbin
2015-11-17 ARM mbed Development and a Virtualization Roundtable
2015-11-05 Kubernetes - Kelsey Hightower
2015-10-20 OpenNMS
2015-10-01 Open Source at Microsoft: Azure, Linux, node.js and more - Scott Hanselman
2015-09-15 Informal Advanced Topics meeting at the Lucky Lab
2015-09-03 Thinking in ZFS - Michael Dexter
2015-08-18 Using Mozilla's Heka project for log and event stream processing
2015-08-06 Back to the Future: A brief history of software documentation
2015-07-21 See you at OSCON
2015-07-02 Comments on Making Educational Videos - David Mandel
2015-06-04 Open Hardware and why it matters - MinnowBoard MAX case study
2015-05-19 Life of (Raspberry) Pi
2015-05-07 Block Storage Device Life Cycles
2015-04-21 FreeBSD Virtualization Options
2015-04-02 MP4 Metadata Editing
2015-03-05 Considering the Future of Copyleft: How Will The Next Generation Perceive GPL? - Bradley M. Kuhn
2015-02-17 Informal meeting at the Lucky Lab
2015-02-05 Escaping GMail
2015-01-01 No Meeting. Happy New Year!
2014-12-16 CFPs from Announcement to Reimbursements
2014-12-04 Conference Warrior
2014-11-06 ownCloud - PDF
2014-10-21 Living Desktop Environment-free
2014-10-02 Diversity in Open Source: What We Can Do
2014-09-16 Meeting Cancelled
2014-09-04 Private Encrypted Communications: The Blackphone
2014-08-19 Software-Defined Radio Hack Session
2014-08-07 Open Sourcing the Modern Battle Rifle: Legal and technical implications in home building the semi-automatic AK-47
2014-07-15 GO TO OSCON
2014-07-03 Lowest Common Denominator Coding - Michael Dexter PDF
2014-06-05 Security and OpenSSH - Steve Dum PDF
2014-05-20 Hands-on Internet of Things - PDF
2014-05-01 Federated Wiki - Ward Cunningham
2014-04-15 Heartbleed: It's cause, the solution, lessons learned
2014-04-03 Q & A with Linus Torvalds
2014-03-18 Dynamic Tracing with DTrace and SystemTap
2014-03-06 pfSense
2014-02-18 Roundtable: Protecting Your Volunteer Effort from Caustic People
2014-02-06 Public Speaking is the Greatest Skill You Can Possess (CANCELLED)
2014-01-21 Speaking in Public is Easy
2014-01-02 Advanced OpenSSH - PDF
2013-12-17 Lustre Distributed File System
2013-12-05 PC-BSD 10 and the holy trinity of bhyve, Packet Filter and ZFS
2013-11-19 Multi-App Security Analysis: Looking for Android App Collusion
2013-11-07 Samba 4 - Brian Martin
2013-10-15 Virtual Machine Fair: Erlang/ocaml/Haskell VMs, bhyve, Xen & LXCs!
2013-10-03 FreeNAS Plugins - Michael Dexter
2013-09-17 GUI Programming with Qt - Michael Faunce
2013-09-05 Virtual Private Networks - Ted Mittlestaedt
2013-08-01 The Perl Renaissance - Paul Fenwick
2013-07-11 Physical Security and Surveillance - Steve Pasco
2013-06-18 Social Event at the Lucky Lab
2013-06-06 Hacking on the Beagle Bone Black - Russell Senior
2013-05-21 The KURB Kernel UseRspace Bridge
2013-05-02 Confronting Depression - Yshai Boussi
2013-04-04 Mozilla Socorro: an Open Source crash reporting system evolves
2013-03-19 flashrd+nsh OpenBSD Network Appliances
2013-03-07 Mike Rogoway from the Oregonian
2013-02-19 The CASH Music Project
2013-02-07 Open Source Medical Informatics
2013-01-15 Recoupling Computer Science and Computing
2013-01-03 Linux in Schools project: Past, Present, and Future
2012-12-18 Snow! Huddle at the Lucky Lab
2012-12-06 Bootstrapping an open source project community
2012-11-20 Linux Network Driver Development
2012-11-01 CUPS Unix Printing - Daniel Hedlund
2012-10-16 UnMeeting at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne
2012-10-04 UEFI Secure Boot and Open Source. It's not a 'general war against computation.' - Vincent Zimmer, Intel
2012-09-06 The Joy of LVM - Brian P. Martin, The Happiness of ZFS - Michael Dexter
2012-08-21 Vyatta
2012-08-02 OSCON Feedback and General Questions
2012-07-05 systemd - Intel
2012-06-19 Tech Interviews!
2012-06-07 The Ganeti Virtualization Management System
2012-05-15 Verilog Synthesis - Galen Seitz
2012-05-03 OpenBSD - Bryan Linton
2012-04-17 Roundtable Discussion
2012-04-05 Asterisk, FreePBX and Trixbox
2012-03-20 Linux Containers (LXC) - Brian Martin
2012-03-01 OData Open Data and Interoperability - Microsoft
2012-02-21 FreeNAS 64-bit - Michael Dexter
2012-01-17 Hands-on FreeNAS - Michael Dexter
2012-01-05 The xkcd1k Eve Celebration
2011-11-03 Hands-on IPv6, Web Hosting with GitHub - Ted Mittelstaedt and Daniel Hedlund
2011-10-18 The Android Debug Bridge (Root your phone!)
2011-10-06 Arch Linux - Daniel Hedlund
2011-09-20 Roundtable: Web serving in the post-LAMP era
2011-08-04 Open Source in State Agencies
2011-07-19 IPv6 Networking Part 4 - Ted Mittelstaedt
2011-07-07 Rapid Discussions on Any Topic
2011-06-21 IPv6 Networking Part 3 - Ted Mittelstaedt
2011-06-02 Introduction to OpenEMR - Tony McCormick
2011-05-17 IPv6 Networking Part 2 - Ted Mittelstaedt
2011-05-05 Comments on the IPv6 Transition - Ted Mittelstaedt
2011-04-19 IPv6 Networking Part 1 - Ted Mittelstaedt
2011-04-07 Canceled to attend Richard Stallman talk
2011-03-15 Release your hardware hacker potential with gEDA
2011-03-03 Free Content and the Data Revolution
2011-02-15 BSD - Michael Dexter
2011-02-03 What is Open?
2011-01-18 Artificial Neural Networks: Principles and Applications
2011-01-06 Mini-presentations on variety of topics
2010-12-02 Open Source Desktop Publishing with Scribus - John Jason Jordan
2010-11-16 Artificial Neural Networks: Principles and Applications
2010-11-04 Forgerock - Alan Foster
2010-10-19 Ubuntu Release Engineering - Allison Randal
2010-10-07 Zentyal Linux Small Business Server
2010-09-21 The AIDE Tripwire Alternative
2010-09-02 Berkley DB
2010-08-05 Server Sky - Data Centers in Orbit
2010-07-01 Open Source Car Entertainment
2010-06-16 Perl 5 & 6 Gems - Paul Fenwick and Eric Wilhelm
2010-06-03 Puppet - An Introduction - Teyo
2010-05-19 DRBD & Pacemaker part II by Adam Gandelman - LinBIT
2010-05-06 How Linux Containers fit your cloud - Parallels
2010-04-21 What's new in Linux Wireless - Reinette Chatre - Intel
2010-04-01 Rapid Discussions on Any Topic
2010-03-17 What Went Wrong with My Disaster Recovery Plan - Brian Martin
2010-03-04 A Talk by Jeri Ellsworth
2010-02-17 OpenEmbedded - Scott Garman
2010-02-04 A Talk by Jeri Ellsworth (Rescheduled)
2010-01-20 Automated Failure Recovery/High Availability - Dwight Hubbard
2010-01-07 Drupal! What is it good for?
2009-12-16 DRDB HA Clustering on Commodity HW - LinBIT
2009-11-19 Git - Alan Olsen
2009-11-05 Unit Test Your Database!
2009-10-01 BSD Virtualization - Michael Dexter
2009-09-03 Crash Reporting: Mozilla's Open Source Solution - K Lars Lohn
2009-08-06 Virtualize vs Containerize
2009-07-15 Webslide Presentations That Don't Suck
2009-07-02 Rapid Discussions
2009-06-04 What is Linux Fund? - David Mandel
2009-05-07 Displaying HD Video Content with a PC
2009-04-02 Presentation by Bart Massey
2009-03-05 Fun with blktrace and seekwatcher
2009-02-05 Intro to Digital Forensics
2009-01-21 FreeTUIT - Codeless GUI Programming - Eric Wilhelm
2008-12-04 Some Random Thoughts on Open Source Philosophy
2008-11-19 OpenWrt, it's not just for Linksys Routers anymore
2008-11-06 LANs, iptables, routing, and more
2008-09-17 Perl: Indexing CPAN
2008-09-04 Building Open Source Communities
2008-08-20 Advanced Topics
2008-07-03 Stupid USB Tricks, reading magstripes, barcodes, 10-key pads, and keyboards
2008-06-18 IPv6 networking
2008-06-05 Open Source Unified Threat Management (UTM) - Dan Carrere
2008-03-19 Smalltalk - Randal Schwartz
2008-02-07 MetroFi: How Lame is It? - Russell Senior
2008-01-08 Rapid Discussions on Any Topic by Anyone & Everyone
2008-01-03 Either Mass Replication or Thin Clients
2007-10-15 Power Management Quality of Service (PM_QOS) - Intel
2007-10-04 Open Source Virtualization Xen and Multi-server / Cluster Management - Dan Carrere
2007-09-17 Parallel Testing with Perl - Eric Wilhelm
2007-09-06 Comments on Starting and Running a Tech Business, especially - Raymond King
2007-08-02 An Overview of the Oregon Technology Business Center - Steve Morris
2007-07-05 Sybase (or, maybe, embedded systems) - Brad Reid
2007-06-07 The Portland State University Aerospace Society’s Linux Rocket - Andrew Greenberg and Bart Massey
2007-05-03 Developer and Customer Focused Tests for a LAMP Environment - Ward Cunningham
2007-04-05 Disaster Recovery with Linux disk imaging and bare-metal restore - Jerome Boutaud and Stephan Lawton
2007-03-01 What went wrong with my disaster recovery plan - Brian Martin
2007-02-19 Haskell as “The New Black” in Open Source - Bart Massey
2007-02-01 Adventures in Computer Non-Security - David Mandel
2007-01-15 Ruby on Rails - Cooper Stevenson
2007-01-04 Just another convicted Perl hacker - Randal L. Schwartz
2006-12-18 Git - Randal Schwartz
2006-12-07 Ingres is Open Source - Bill Maimone
2006-11-02 The Open Source Education Lab at Oregon State University - Alex Polvi
2006-10-16 Optimization of the GNU MultiPrecision Library Kernels on Intel Itanium and Core 2 - Roger Golliver
2006-10-05 MythTV - Bill Barry
2006-09-18 Introduction to Eclipse 3.2 - Ted Kubaska
2006-09-07 Inkscape - Bryce Harrington
2006-08-21 Convergence and Identity - Scott Kveton
2006-08-03 Installing Networks with Fiber - Jon Dolan
2006-07-06 Introduction to TeX - Robin Laaskso
2006-06-19 The Eclipse on Linux Project Proposal - Bjorn Freeman-Benson and Ward Cunningham
2006-06-01 UnPLUG - various
2006-05-15 Perl Best Practises - Randal Schwartz
2006-05-04 VectorSection, Open Source File Format Translation for CAD and Vector Graphics - Eric Wilhelm
2006-04-17 Offsite Virtual Servers - Keith Lofstrom
2006-04-06 Open Source Software in Education, especially moodle - Dan Carrere
2006-03-15 The Guts of Perl (and why you should care) - Eric Wilhelm
2006-03-02 ImageMagick - Michael Still
2006-02-15 Stumbling into Sanity – Log driven, Dynamic iptables Configuration - Michael Rasmussen
2006-02-02 Wiki in the Enterprise Environment - Cindy Rockwell
2006-01-18 Tetex - Kevin Theobald
2006-01-05 An Overview of Plone/Zope - Richard Amerman
2005-12-21 mod_perl 2.0 - Randal Schwartz
2005-11-29 Final Appearance: Badger Badger Badger Tour (Ubuntu) - Jeff Waugh
2005-11-16 Mississippi Grant Project and Personal Telco - Russell Senior
2005-11-03 Asterisk in 3 Beer’s time or Less - John Todd
2005-10-19 Qt Designer HOWTO - Rob Wehrli
2005-10-06 A Discussion of HP Open Source Printing Activities - John Oleinik
2005-09-21 Buildng RPMs - Alan Olsen
2005-09-01 Introduction to Web Mapping - David Mandel
2005-08-04 Minimal Perl - Tim Maher
2005-07-20 Rapid Development with a Safety Net - Eric Wilhelm
2005-07-07 Wikipedia: Free Source on many levels - Geoff Burling
2005-06-15 One of the Lesser Known Rules of Acquisition: Who Acquires You Matters - Crispin Cowan
2005-06-02 Bouncer: Mirror Management Miracles for Mozilla - K Lars Lohn
2005-05-18 Voice over IP - Jay Allen
2005-05-05 An Introduction to Voice Over IP - Dan Carrere
2005-04-20 Cyrus IMAP - Wil Cooley
2005-04-07 Map Server: An Open Source Web Based GIS Application - Matthew Doggett
2005-03-16 Mozilla, the Internet Development Environment - Shawn Savage
2005-03-03 UnPLUG - Eric Harrison
2005-02-16 Production Grade Scripts - Brian P. Martin
2005-02-03 An Introduction to Computer Recycling - Richard Seymour and Jhasen Cooper
2005-01-19 UnPLUG - various
2005-01-06 An Introduction to High Performance Cluster File Systems - Michael Ewan
2004-12-17 “You had me at HELO” or “HELO I must be going” - Randal Schwartz
2004-12-02 An Introduction to Subversion - Frank Torres
2004-11-17 64-bit Linux - Fedor Pikus
2004-11-04 A Discussion of the role of Open Source Software in Career Education - David Mandel
2004-10-20 Detection of electromagnetic fields with Linux - Russell Senior
2004-10-07 Building Web Sites with phpGroupWare - Dale Zeutenhorst
2004-09-15 Continuations – What they are any why do you care - Perry Wagle
2004-09-02 Comments on the Linux Terminal Server Project - Eric Harrison
2004-08-18 Virtualization of Linux - Chris Wright
2004-08-05 A Realistic Appraisal of the Legal Risks Associated with Open Source Software - Bradley Schrock
2004-07-21 Voiding your warranty on the Linksys Wireless Router - A. Brandon Psmythe
2004-07-01 Greylisting and a Look at the Anti-Spam Landscape - Hal Pomeranz
2004-06-16 Programming Clusters - Kevin Theobald
2004-06-03 A Discussion of Replacements for MS Exchange - Mark Allyn
2004-05-19 Open Source Game Development - David Case
2004-05-06 Vmware - Brian P. Martin
2004-04-21 Introduction to Perl’s Template Toolkit - Randal Schwartz
2004-04-01 HOW-NOT-TO: Avoiding Intellectual Property Quagmires - Zach Welch
2004-03-18 Cricket, a network monitoring tool - Steve Dagget
2004-03-04 Rsync and Dirvish for Disk-to-Disk Backups - Keith Lofstrom
2004-01-21 Implementing Anti-Virus systems on Linux - Cooper Stevenson
2003-12-17 Russell’s excellent hardlink adventure (disk-to-disk backup systems) - Russell Senior
2003-12-04 Introduction to Latex - Kevin Theobald
2003-11-06 A Few O’Reilly Hacks - Rael Dornfest
2003-10-14 PSU’s Rocketry Club -
2003-10-02 Comments on Forking a Linux Distribution - Zach Welch
2003-09-17 Hard Drives – Failures why, when, how and what - Larry Brigman
2003-09-04 Software RAID on Linux - Fedor Pikus
2003-08-20 Asterisk: Open-Source VoIP Telephony in 3 Beer’s Time or Less - John Todd
2003-08-07 An Overview of Mandrake Security System - Dale Zeutenhorst
2003-07-16 Wearable Computer - Jayne Weigel
2003-07-03 An Overview of the Open Source Development Lab - Timothy D. Witham
2003-06-18 Modern File Systems - Chris Jantzen
2003-06-05 Helix DNA - Rob Lanphier and Duncan Howard
2003-05-21 Getting a Java Server up and running - Stephen Lambert
2003-05-01 The Open Source Bill (HB2892) - Ken Barber
2003-04-16 Embedded system world - Galen Seitz
2003-04-03 Teaching ‘Learning Perl’ - Randal L. Schwartz
2003-03-19 Internet Filtering and how it works (or not) - Eric Harrison
2003-03-06 Anatomy of a Network Attack - Doug Davis
2003-02-06 A Compressed File System for Linux (CBD) - Shaun Savage
2003-02-05 User Mode Linux (running Linux under Linux) - Chris Jantzen
2003-01-16 Open Office Tips and Tricks - various
2003-01-02 Special Purpose Linux Distributions - various
2002-12-18 A Linux-based Open Source PDA - Rob Wehrli
2002-12-05 Video Capture, Editing and DVDs/SVCDs - Fedor Pikus
2002-11-07 WAP Security Cell Phone Internet - Zot O’Connor
2002-10-15 Linux Kernel 2.6, Part II - Jerry Cooperstein
2002-10-03 Overview of LVM - Cooper Stevenson
2002-09-18 Playing Games with WineX - Fedor Pikus
2002-09-05 Linux Terminal Server - V. Steven Bartley
2002-08-21 Opening Up the Netule Project - David Mandel
2002-08-01 Introduction to the OpenACS Project - Don Baccus
2002-07-17 TaskMaster - Phil Tomson
2002-07-11 UnPLUG - various
2002-06-19 Linux Security Modules - Chris Wright
2002-06-06 Introduction to the Personal Telco Project - Adam Shand
2002-05-15 Squeak Smalltalk - Ken Dickey
2002-05-02 Customizing X Windows, Making the Applications Look How You Want - Geoff Burling
2002-04-04 Wiki Wiki - Ward Cunningham
2002-03-07 Virtual Computing: Computers within Computers - Shannon C. Dealy
2002-02-20 Cryptography Technologies, Part 2 - Alan Olsen
2002-02-07 Linux Clustering for Small Business - Michael Rasmussen
2002-01-16 Configuring and running a Linux WAN router - Steve Dagget
2002-01-03 What’s new in Perl 6 - Randal L. Schwartz
2001-12-06 General Concepts for Host Security - Rich Burroughs
2001-11-01 Advanced Firewalling - Fedor G. Pikus
2001-10-04 Migrating a Large Financial Network to Linux - Steve Dagget
2001-09-06 Migrating from Perl to Ruby - Phil Tomson
2001-08-02 A Survey of Projects at IBM’s Open Technology Center - Hanna Linder
2001-07-18 Intrusion Detection Systems - Toby Kohlenberg
2001-07-05 UnPLUG - various
2001-06-07 Gstreamer - Erik Walthinsen
2001-05-03 A Disk Optimization Tool - John Reiser
2001-05-03 Configuring a Home Web Server - Cooper Stevenson
2001-04-05 Network Backup Techniques using Linux - David Mandel
2001-03-02 X-Emacs - Karl Hegbloom
2001-01-04 ICAST - Ryan Sayre
2000-12-07 WireX’s Immunix Linux distro - Greg Kroah
2000-11-02 Comments on ZOPE
2000-10-18 Building a system to Backup and Restore from a tape drive